In 2009 one man’s decision to drink and drive left a now seven-year-old boy in a vegetative state for the rest of his life. The man’s name is Stewart Richardson. The boy’s name is Abdallah Khader.

Richardson’s blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit at the time of the crash; he also has four prior alcohol-related charges in four other states. On Wednesday, February 20th Richardson apologized to Abdallah’s grieving mother.

Loubna Khader faced Richardson with a picture of a happy two-year-old boy—her son before the accident. In the Tarrant County Jail Richardson repeatedly apologized and told Khader that her son and family were in his daily prayers. But Khader knows that an apology will not make her son’s present and future okay.

This is the tragic legacy of the decision to drive under the influence. At The Bonneau Law Firm, we aggressively pursue DUI/DWI charges on behalf of victims and their families. We want to make sure that you are compensated as much as possible for the poor judgment and negligence of someone who harmed you. Call us today at (972) 325-1100 to speak to Hunt Bonneau—Mothers Against Drunk Driving advisor and accident attorney.


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